The right service for your plant

With the widest range of solutions for the heavy process industry on the market, Alfa Laval’s products can be found in both process and utility positions supporting customers on their journey to net-zero by 2050. So, when you choose to partner with our global service organisation, you can rest easy in the knowledge that your products are optimized for energy efficiency and performance, to save your time, money, and most importantly, your carbon footprint.

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Find the service you need for your plant

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Gasketed plate heat exchangers

Did you know that efficient heat exchangers improve the safety and quality of your process? It also affects the amount of energy you consume and pay for. With regular maintenance, you can preserve performance and keep your operations problem-free and predictable. So, if you want to future-proof your process, you can find the answers on our online troubleshooter.


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Welded heat exchangers

Your Alfa Laval heat exchanger is built to last, but did you know that Alfa Laval’s global service support can actually help you save energy over time? With the support of our specialised service technicians, you can rest easy knowing that your process is energy efficient throughout your product lifecycles, safeguarding uptime and the planet at the same time.


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High speed separators

Alfa Laval offers a wide range of services that will be useful to your separation system throughout its lifecycle. This covers everything from preventive maintenance and troubleshooting, to upgrades, monitoring systems, and audits. But that is not all. We can train your operators so that you can take full control of your own performance, sending spare parts in quick time whenever needed. So, what are you waiting for? Create your tailor-made Alfa Laval Service Agreement today.


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Service to optimize energy efficiency

With Alfa Laval as your service partner, we can support you throughout your products’ lifetime, optimizing heat transfer efficiency, saving energy, and reducing carbon emissions.
